Winter at
Eagle Brook

So many ways to grow in your faith this winter—and have fun along the way! Here's what you can look forward to at church:

Jan. 8
Student Ministries Kickoff

6th-12th graders, we can't wait to see you back on Wednesday nights! Plus, you're invited to our upcoming events.
Available at most campuses.

Jan. 24 | 6:30 pm
Young Adults Gathering

You 18-29? Let's come together to worship and learn more about Jesus and life.

Feb. 1/2 & 8/9
Weekend Series | GO 

God is stirring our hearts to GO. For us as a church—it’s all about reaching more people for Christ. For you—it might be taking the next step in your faith journey. So, where’s he leading us next? Let’s find out together!

Watch The Messages

Feb. 8/9
Winter Baptism

Baptism is a way to publicly declare your faith in Jesus while following his example. Maybe this is your next step. Sign up to get notified for Summer Baptism on July 18-20, 2025. 

Learn More & Sign Up

Feb. 15
Groups Directory Opens

Winter is busy, but prioritizing community will help make this busy season a fruitful one, too! Connect with others by joining a group.

Find Your Group

Feb. 14-16 & 21-23
GZ Retreat

Hey, 6th-8th graders, let's head to camp to get away from the norm, have some fun with new and old friends, and grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus.

Get the deets & sign up

Feb. 15-March 16
Weekend Series | Living With a Limp

Life knocks us all down at some point. It's how you choose to move forward that makes all the difference.

So many great ways to grow in your faith, and there's one more we didn't want to skip: Download the Eagle Brook App & discover new ways to grow in your faith.

Download The App

And as always, we don't want you to miss church!
See you in person at a campus near you or online on Sundays at 9 & 11 am, CST.

(Are you snow-birding? Find a Viewing Group near you. Check out the map!)